Weekly Pastor's Letter
A letter from our Pastor
Please be advised that due to the upcoming snowstorm the lecture on Sunday, February 2 has been postponed. A new date will be announced once confirmed. Thank you.
Dear Friends,
I realize that we have been reaching out to you for donations for many different causes these past weeks. Thank you for your generosity. All the needs are real, and it is an opportunity for us to enter into the Gospel mandate of giving alms and tithing. Begging for your patience, I do want to emphasize once again our 150th Parish Anniversary Grand Annual. Though we have had a good start, we have a way to go. We are aiming for 400 participants, and at present we are a little over 100. We are asking each household to consider prayerfully a gift of $450.00 or whatever is sacrificially within your budget. This allows us to pay our bills and meet unanticipated expenses. We would like to complete the Grand Annual by the first week of March. Whatever you can do, thank you; we hope everyone will participate in some way. BE PART OF OUR MISSION! Many thanks.
Last week, Fr. George Evans gave a wonderful lecture about the history of the Archdiocese of Boston, and the place of St. Paul’s Parish within that history. This weekend on Sunday at 1:00, he will dive more deeply into the story of St. Paul’s. Please note: the talk will be in DiGiovanni Hall.
This weekend’s second collection is for our Winter Woes Fund, which helps to cover the extra costs of cold weather expenses. So far this year, snow removal has been $2715, and the cost of heating the church is approximately $1,123.86 per week.
The Choir School Gala, called “Lifting Hearts, Minds and Voices” is coming up on Saturday, March 1. It allows us to offer scholarships and other critical support to the school, which is the only Catholic Choir School in the United States. Your attendance is the best way to help, but if your place of employment could offer sponsorship, that would be great, too, or, you can give some love to our youngest choir boys who so eagerly are selling raffle tickets after some of the Masses!
The Harvard Catholic Forum is hosting very exciting events in the next few weeks. You don’t want to miss them, so see the website, flyers and posters.
There are wonderful gifts for Valentine’s Day in our Gift Shopp, and the Parish Calendar is available at a discount as the year rolls on.
St. Paul, pray for us!
Fr. Kelly